The photo is just so wonderful. Technically, I would have to say that the photo isn't really special. However, when I stare hard into it, I would feel so calm, so relaxed. I would be totally absorbed by the photo.
So what is it about the photo that is so different? What is this special quality?Frankly, I am not quite sure myself, but i think it is the transquility. The feeling of peace you get when you look inside the photo. I don't know about you, but i can sort of hear the photo talking back to me. It is telling a message. Look at it again. What is it telling you?
What are the techniques that have made this possible? Techniques used in this photo: not much basically. But I think it is the composition of the photo. The composition is just so powerful: the London Eye, the skyline, and the boats are all in the right places. In addition, there are no distractions in the background of the photo, thus, one's eyes would definity fall on the subjects of the photos. Lastly, credit goes to the black and white effect that has made the photo so much more dramatic. Yea.
Oh my gosh, this photo is so emo... What do you guys think? Any comments?