Monday, April 27, 2009

My friends said that the picture is pretty good so I decided to post it up.

Er...Just delete it if it isnt good enough...
It looks like a little photoshopped though.....
Taken With a random Handphone 5.0 mega pixels

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Muriwai Beach, West of Auckland

Muriwai Beach!

Looking out of Maori Bay (West of Auckland)

Got this in Maori Bay (somewhere in North Island, New Zealand) last year December Holidays. A storm was brewing! NZ Rocks! >.<

Saturday, April 11, 2009

First post of the year ?!

         It has been ages since anyone has posted anything on this blog! So, to rekindle the fervency of this blog, I would post some pictures that I have taken recently (they can be found in my Flickr page). The pictures were taken under an "assignment" setting for my friends undertaking an art project. I was suppose to take some pictures relavent to the themes "children" and "rebellious teenagers". Below are some samples: 

         Hope to see more posts soon!
