Couple of weeks back, I decided to embark on a treacherous 17km hike with two of my friends, both from RI. One of them's Sec 1, the other's Sec 4. Bkt Timah looked good, but hey, Mcritchie looked better. There was something in Mcritchie other than forests.
Anyway, we started from Mcritchie Reservior Park and ended at a place called Venus Link. (it's still ringing in my mind - I've been considering this place as 'holy'. ) There really wasn't much along the way, most of the time we had completely random conversations usually ending in "what the hell =="..."
We were lucky enough to avoid the downpour that arrived in the evening. The sky seemed overcast and we were thinking along our journey "Lol gg, we're gonna be trapped in this place drenched and lost."
Fortunately, it started raining ten minutes after we walked to the bus stop outside Ai Tong School. (Venus link was somewhere there). Relieved, hmph.
After dinner at KFC, and out of boredom, I tried panning the cars that zoomed past and I got :

The rest were generally
more failed panning attempts.
Wang Ziren.
P.S. Uploaded all the photos took far too long with the pathetic Blogger Uploader. Drop by at my Facebook page for the whole album of fun! :D Here's the link: